Areas of work of HSB-Blendivet Canine Semen Bank

The coverage of all areas at the highest level ensures consistent success

  1. Semen Extraction and Semen Examination
  2. Preparation of cooled semen
  3. Preparation of deep frozen semen
  4. Storage of deep frozen semen
  5. Insemination
  6. Import and Export

Our Method:

  • For semen preparation, we use a slightly modified form of the Uppsala II method, as described by Prof. Linde-Forsberg.
  • We divide the semen into straws, usually 3 or 4 straws provide an insemination dose (see below).
  • Handling of semen processed differently (eg. according to the ICSB, Zoetis, Innov. Canine Reprod. / CLONE.. methods) is familiar to us and welcome.

Our Quality Commitment:

  • Not every dog semen sample is suitable for deep freeze preservation.
  • In order to ensure the highest possible quality, we define the sperm portion by the thawed result:
    Insemination Dose (ID): 120 - 150 Mio forward progressing spermatozoa after thawing.
    (Possible deviations: In small breeds, a quantity of 100 million forward progressing spermatozoa can be defined as an insemination dose. For large breeds in connection with reduced thaw quality, it may be useful to define an amount of 200 million forward progressing spermatozoa as an insemination dose.)
  • This also corresponds to the highest quality standards in international comparison.
**How much semen is used for the inseminating of a bitch?** - An insemination dose (ID) is such that the transfer of a larger quantity of semen would not deliver a higher chance of pregnancy. - In an effort to improve fertility while using deep-frozen semen, there are approaches to inseminate a bitch on two consecutive days. Transcervical insemination (TCI) is the most common procedure in this form. In these cases, an insemination dose is used each time - **Attention:** The number of insemination doses to be used for the inseminating of a female is an important part of the price negotiations between the semen owner and the owner of the bitch.