
How accurate is the DogRep-result sheet? - New statistics! (Accuracy of the DogRep result sheet.)

The accuracy of the determination of the ovulation term determination, as recorded in the DogRep result sheet, is always checked by our own examinations.

The current HSB-Blendivet statistics show that on an average spontaneous delivery starts 62.9 days after the estimated ovulation date. In addition, 93% of births occur between day 61 and day 65 after estimated ovulation.

This is based on clinical data for the outstanding reliability of the DogRep result sheet!

Normal inition of parturition takes place 62.9 days after estimated day of ovulation.
93% of bitches start parturition between day 61 and 65 after estimated day of parturition.

This shows clearly - based on clinical data - the very high accuracy of the DogRep result sheet!